
a letter to the internet, in the shadow of Health Care Reform

Dear Internet (Blogosphere, especially):

I'm not sure how to feel about this whole Health Care Reform thing. I mean, the progressive in me thinks that a step forward is a good step, but the humanist in me thinks it's kind of hollow without at least a public option. Then there's the businessperson who's, well... kind of miffed that it doesn't include any substantial efforts to actually curb costs in a meaningful way.

Look, I know I'm supposed to feel violently one way or another (that's how everyone else seems to be responding), but I'm just sort of... torn.

Then there's all this attention being given to the pundits and politicians, and how this will affect their careers. Frankly, they have insurance coverage for life that's pretty pimp, and they're pretty much guaranteed a job even if they don't get re-elected (someone somewhere is always looking for a big mouth) and so I don't really see how it matters one way or another to them. ...But to me?

Internet, I think you're ignoring me. You're feeding me all these stories, and they're contradictory, and angry or defensive, and it doesn't even seem like you're being sincere or thoughtful about it. Like, maybe just some thoughtful, levelheaded discussion would help our relationship a lot.

I want to work it out. Like Al Green said, let's stay together.




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