
Back to life, back to reality

I realize I forgot to explain my short posting hiatus in advance. I spent a week down in Florida with a close friend. Included in the week were stop-offs in Myrtle Beach, Charleston, St. Augustine, and Beaufort (the SC one, pronounced BYOO-fert). Highlights of the week:
: a week of great hair (oh, sand and salt water, what excellent hair product you are)
: manatee cove (my first in-person manatees! at least a dozen of them making their Darth Vader noises.)
: a pre-storm rainbow (whaaaa?)
: too many dolphins to count
: a kitten chasing a bug
: midday naps every single day
: delicious black tip shark kebabs
: the best grouper sandwich I've had (fresh, local seafood, yum.)
: watching the meteor shower through a gap in the palms while lying on the grass
: water glinting like diamonds
: assembling bookshelves (yes, I found this exciting. yes, I am so like my dad.)
: exaggeration and fable-telling galore!
: going to the beach for sunrise, only to be surprise witness to a space launch
: no, seriously, I watched a vessel leave Earth's atmosphere. its smoke trail glinted gold in the rising sun. I was in the Atlantic Ocean, waves splashing against me, surrounded by surfers lying on boards and watching. yes, you may now commence eating your heart out.
: happening across the elusive suburban Central Florida gay in the wild
: souvenir shopping for my house family
: so many different types of mango!
: the smallest church in America
: the nicest convenience store operator in Florida, by far. with the most strangely gay-friendly souvenir selection, and a wealth of amazingly fabulous tacky souvenirs
: a stop-off for a psychic reading from a spiritual advisor
: time with my bestie, duh!

Anyway, speaking of amusing internet video reviews:

Canon 7D vs. Barbie Video Girl from Brandon Bloch on Vimeo.

(yeah, I know. I made that segue up completely.)

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