
I'm tired of these motherf'in fat people on this motherf'in plane

I know I'm a bit behind the curve to weigh in on this story (zing!), but the whole Kevin Smith being kicked off a SWA flight for being too fat thing has the blogosphere in a tizzy, bickering back and forth about whether he's a whiny fat bastard or justifiably enraged. Being a "passenger of size" myself, I tend toward the latter opinion.

In that spirit, I'll share my two favorite articles to come out of this mess. This Kate Harding article on Salon has been, in my opinion, one of the most coherent expressions of what it's like to both fly while fat and hear some of the hateful things said about Smith in the wake of this. Following that, I really appreciated this insight on Fatshionista.

I think others have covered the issue more eloquently than I could, so I'll forgo my own story. I'll say, though, that as a fat person, I wish I were enraged like Mr. Smith rather than profoundly humiliated whenever my size gets called into question.

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