
Give a man a fish...

A new area restaurant I'd definitely love to give a try. If you ever have doubts about market segmentation and how business models gear themselves to serve different populations, take a look at places like Watts Grocery (or even one of my personal favorites, Toast) and compare them to places like Joe's, or like Chloe's on East Pettigrew St.

An interesting bit from the article:
In this way, Bushfan said, he believes a business can do as much as or more than a church or nonprofit to give life back to the community.

“There are so many nonprofits, but they’re not bringing any economic value. They’re not creating any jobs,” he said. “This area is so centrally located. It’s like Vegas. If you build it, they will come.”

For all the anti-capitalist naysayers, the man's got a point. While a definite advocate of non-profits myself, I'm no ostrich about the need for good business models to bring sustained economic benefit to an area. One can decry "gentrification" and things you consider "bourgie" (pronounced 'BOO zhee'; short for something that's decidedly "bourgeois," which is defined as "being of the property-owning class and exploitive of the working class") until one is blue in the face, but resisting economic development only further harms those you're trying to keep from being "exploited."

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